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Ballarat weekend
31 January 2015 - 1 February 2015
The first event of the new year is the annual Ballarat weekend on 31 January and 1 February (which is before the February club meeting). It will involve a real Peugeot experience, starting with lunch at the Vaggs’ compound, then a pleasant scenic drive, a relaxed and inexpensive dinner, and on the Sunday, the annual Napoleons motorkhana (fire bans permitting).
Getting to Ballarat from Melbourne is easy; just follow the Western Freeway and take the third Ballarat exit (the Midland highway, A300), turning right towards Creswick and drive about 2km until you see the Peugeot flags on the left. This is the Vaggs’ property, at 747 Midland Highway.
On the Saturday morning we will visit Glenn Vagg’s Peugeot history shed from 11am. If you haven’t seen Glenn’s shed before, you really should. As well as some brilliant cars, he has all sorts of Peugeot models, literature and promotional material.
BYO food and drink for lunch. There will be a barbecue available if you wish to use it, and some great prizes in a free raffle. Lunch will be followed by a pleasant afternoon drive in the environs of Ballarat, planned by Glenn and Paula, who will find us some hidden gems as well as a great coffee stop.
Our casual dinner will be at 6.30pm at the Sebastopol Bowling Club, which is on the left of the Midland Highway near the Begonia City Motor Inn, where some people will be staying on Saturday night. There are several rooms on hold at the Begonia City but they won’t last for long. A queen room is $125 a night. Call 03 5335 5577 and say you are from PCCV when making your booking.
If you are planning to come to the dinner, please notify Paula by Wednesday 28 January or earlier if possible, either on 0407 271 972 or email paula.glenn@bigpond.com.
On the Sunday the motorkhana will be held at Ian and Sue Seymour’s property at Napoleons, where you can BYO lunch or send out for yummy roast chicken.
During a break in the motorkhana tests, there will be a come-and-try event for people who have not participated in a motorkhana before. You can use your own car or borrow one on the day.
The entry fee for the motorkhana will be $20 ($10 for juniors) and you will need a suitable CAMS licence. Juniors are welcome. The entry fee will be waived for people who buy a licence on the day. A come-and-try licence will cost you $25, the cost of which is deductible if you then buy a full CAMS licence.
A non-speed licence (suitable for motorkhana, khanacross and slippery dips etc) costs $60 or $15 for juniors. It’s always a great weekend, so come along and have some fun.
You can come to either the Saturday or Sunday event, you don’t have to take part in both.
It’s always a great weekend, so come along and have some fun.